PDF⋙ Research Methods In Psychology by John Shaughnessy, Eugene Zechmeister, Jeanne Zechmeister

Research Methods In Psychology by John Shaughnessy, Eugene Zechmeister, Jeanne Zechmeister

Research Methods In Psychology

Research Methods In Psychology by John Shaughnessy, Eugene Zechmeister, Jeanne Zechmeister PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Research Methods in Psychology provides a comprehensive and readable introduction to methods for undergraduates. Employing a multi-method approach and exposing students to real examples of published research throughout the text, the authors provide students with the tools necessary to do good and ethical research in psychology and to understand the research they learn about in psychology courses and in the media. A wealth of pedagogical aids serve to break down the aversion and phobia that many students bring to a methods course. The 8th edition boasts a wealth of new examples with nearly 50 of the research examples from 2004-2007 and more than half of those from 2006 and 2007. So, as students read this methods text, they will also be learning about “cutting-edge” research in psychology.

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